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back talk造句

"back talk"是什么意思  
  • I want a good , clean game and no back talk
  • Once around the park , and drive slowly . and none of your back talk
  • - has anyone seen dean ? - oh , he ' s in the back talking to dan
    -有人见到迪恩吗? -他在后面和丹说话
  • Has anyone seen dean ? - oh , he ' s in the back talking to dan
    有人见到迪恩吗? -他在后面和丹说话
  • Oh . back talk
  • I was being punished , at those times , for some falling - out with mymother , some back talk or intransigence
  • He worked hard and always did his duties quickly , without any complaining or back talk . the gaos thought a lot of him
  • He worked hard and always did his duties quickly , without any complaining or back talk . the gaos thought a lot of him
  • Q : arethe korean top players really so friendly towards eachother oristhere lot of behind eachothers back talking going on too ? istherea black sheep in korean scene : d
  • It's difficult to see back talk in a sentence. 用back talk造句挺难的
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